The Chop Podcast

The Chop Show was a podcast I produced and directed on the cusp of lockdown, developing the concept right through to the final edit. It focused on the weird & wonderful stories hairdressers have heard from their clients that have sat in their chairs. I found it super interesting how open people could be when they spoke to their stylists through a mirror whilst they were getting their hair done.

The first episode was recorded in the studio but as lockdown hit we had to adapt to remote ways of recording and chatting over Zoom.
In pre-production I would select the guests and run through some talking points prior to recording so I knew how to steer the conversation to some of their best stories. On the day of recording I made sure the audio set up was correct and that logistically it worked remotely. In post-production, I sat in with my sound designer on the edit and made sure that the conversation, even though edited, sounded as organic as possible.

Tuesday Oct 5 2021